Friday, June 29, 2012

Coq au Vin as never seen before...

Coq Au Vin  in essence is an ordinary French chicken stew, but if you choose your ingredients wisely, there is nothing ordinary about this dish. In fact, it is hard to imagine that a few mushrooms, some countryside bacon or lardons, a delicious red wine and  a couple of handfuls of herbs, can become such a flavorsome stew. The "coq" in Coq Au Vin refers to an old rooster or bird that is traditionally used, because the bones of an older bird, yields such fragrant stock. I am not going to lie to you, honestly, I do not have the time to hunt for "older birds", but I do use Elgin free-range chicken and have never been disappointed, so for me it was the obvious choice. So although in the eye of a coq au vin purist, I may have...

Saturday, March 5, 2011

There is major confusion about this difference between shrimp and prawns. Fact is, it is really not the same thing, however confusion arises when we hear Americans refer to prawns as "shrimp".Physically they look very similar but there is one sure way to tell them apart. On a culinary level, many people distinguish between shrimp and prawns on the basis of size. “Prawns” are considered to be larger, while shrimp are smaller. There is a little more to it than just this.....    Shrimp and prawns are in different suborders, indicating key biological differences between the two. Prawns are in the suborder Dendobranchiata, while shrimp are classified as Pleocyemata.You can read more about the differences here, but here in South...

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